At AGNORA we're all about clear communication and helping our customers and partners cut through the "noise" that's out there in the glass world. In this post, we're zeroing in...
At AGNORA we like to scan everything! No, we don't mean using copiers and fax machines, we mean glass. In fact, AGNORA now uses four (4) types of scanning devices throughout the plant on...
Creating beautiful glass is something AGNORA works toward every day, but sometimes, it's just good to smash some glass. In actuality, this is our P5A testing. P5A designated glass is tested...
BIG ASS GLASS! The MASSIVE IGU is a monstrous 106" by....299.5" designed for the sole purpose of incredible penthouse views. Weighing in at roughly 3700 lbs, this double-glazed unit is built...
Glass Chiclets Chiclets Chiclets! They are heavy and serve no other purpose than to showcase laminated glass and all its glory! So why do we pack them up and drag them...
We're happy to reveal AGNORA's newest product: SecureGlaze™ SecureGlaze™ is AGNORA's answer to security specific glazing for high-end retail, commercial, institutional, and residential applications. Third-party certification for European P6B and P8B designations allows AGNORA to...
Calling all Toronto #architects to Facades+ T.O. tomorrow at the Hyatt Regency! We look forward to seeing everyone at the show and demonstrating some of our newest architectural glass products! - The Award-Winning...
Please note, that due to a nationwide telecom outage, AGNORA's email, voice and Zoom/Teams are down. If you're attempting to reach us, please be patient and we will reach out...
AGNORA ACHIEVES EXPROCLUB DESIGNATION FROM SAINT GOBAIN Providing exceptional quality, AGNORA is the first North American processor to receive the designation. Collingwood Ontario, Canada – As part of AGNORA’s ongoing...
Architectural Glass Service Announcement! For anyone who must review and approve glass samples, this is for you. Too many times, we see samples being placed in environments that do not...